• Uncategorized

    Best Advices for New Bloggers

    Today blogging has become more and more important every day. It’s a form of expression and exposing your passions to the world. I’ll give you 5 of the best pieces of advice that would work perfectly for your blog. I can assure you that once you start applying them, you’ll notice a difference. Keep the spirit and achieve your goals! Plan ahead I wasn’t the best at planning. Once I start focusing on that, the results were wonderful. For example, plan some visits and travels. The day you want to post about it you already visit the place. Also, plan when you’ll edit photos and write the posts. Use a…

  • Beauty & Health

    5 Minutes Tips for a Fast Morning

    Mornings are the hardest thing for me. I know is bad but I it’s really hard; need to improve in that. So, in the meantime I like to do everything as fast as I can. This are my tips for a quick makeup; it’s really simple, fast and really healthy for your skin. Hydrate your skin Priority number 1, having our skin hydrate helps us to use less makeup. But if you are using make up, try the matte colors so your skin looks less oily. Lashes and Eyebrows The best way to make your eyes look awake is to curl your lashes. After that apply mascara. Do your eyebrows,…

  • Beauty & Health

    Clean your Skin

    Has it happened to you that you feel like your face is full of dirt at the end of the day? Well, this is because of all the contamination that your skin is exposed to every single day and that´s not healthy. We need to purify our skin once in a while and the best way to do it is with natural things. I have this amazing recipe that works marvelous and it helps you eliminate dead cells and impurities. After this, your skin would look soft and clean. For our recipe we will need: 2 tablespoons of oat flakes 2 tablespoons of milk or warm water (not hot) Start…

  • Beauty & Health

    Remedy #1 against Puffy Eyes

    I hate to have puffy eyes after a long night. There are amazing cremes to solve the problem like L’Oréal Paris Dermo Expertise Revitalift Laser X3 Crema para Contorno de Ojos, 15 ml but if you’re looking for a more natural remedy you could try the one below. Instructions: Make sure that your eyelid is free of make-up or dirt. So for this remedy, you’ll need 1 egg. Crack the egg and remove the yolk, you only need the egg white. With one cotton you’ll deep it into the egg white, doesn’t have to be soaking wet, with just a little bit of it would be fine. Apply it directly to…

  • Self Love

    5 simple rules for happiness

    Sometimes in life we have these huge expectations but at some point we crash against the wall of reality. Life is simple but we humans insist on make it complicated. Wouldn’t it be easy to have a manual about how to solve those inner conflicts? I’ve been thinking about what keeps our mood on the floor and what would we need to follow to feel better every time. These rules are simple but at the same time a huge challenge to achieve with success every single one. Free your heart from haters. Free your mind from worries. Live simple. Give more. Think less. Always remember that a good life is…