• Self Love

    Say Goodbye to Stress

    Now a days is very common to suffer of stress. Not a good way of living but sometimes we can’t help it. Work, daily life and not enough hours to do everything may be one of the reasons. We got to start making things to get relax and enjoy the good things that life gives us. Breathe deep and slowly, feel how the tension goes down and exhale the air. Try that for around 15 to 20 minutes. Gotta give yourself the time to do it. Focus and concentrate yourself in the breathing and think on positive things. Picture yourself in this wonderful place, enjoying nature; it would help a…

  • Beauty & Health

    How to Fight Stress with 5 useful Tips

    Stressful much? Now a day, present life is really stressful do to the times that surround us. Taking care of your health is a priority not an option and fight stress is a battle you should take seriously. I considered that this are good tips to handle stress the best way as possible. Look for your place of peace. Is super important to have a place where you can step away from the things that keep you stress. Go for a walk. There’s no such thing as going for a walk that helps you control yourself and think slowly through hard situations, you should try it sometime. Looks for others…